Celebrating Midsummer (LITHA) by Rochelle Moore
RM writes:
"Litha is the celebration Summer Solstice which is the longest day of the year, Midsummer. The Solstice is the time when the sun is at the height of its power. This is the time when Mother Nature is producing fruits, lush greenery and vegetables of summer. Nature flourishes and Litha is the opposite of Yule. Held on June 21 the summer solstice marks the time when the Sun god has attained his greatest strength. The days will begin to grow shorter as the nights begin to grow longer. At Midsummer, the Sun has reached it's zenith, and blazes in all it's glory. Litha is also a time of transition; After Midsummer, the sun begins its yearly descent. The days will get shorter and shorter until the Winter Solstice when it begins its rise to power again.
"Litha is the celebration Summer Solstice. The Solstice is the time when the sun is at the height of its power. It is the longest day of the year, midsummer. This is the time when the gardens are producing fruits and vegetables of summer. Wildlife is flourishing and the trees are covered in green leaves. On this day we celebrate the God at his highest point. He is strong and vibrant. Together with the Goddess who is in her Mother aspect, he rules the summer. However, it is also a time of transition. After Midsummer, the sun begins its yearly descent. The days will get shorter and shorter until the Winter Solstice when it begins its rise to power again."
Source: Copyrighted, Fiona Blackwolf, http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art10538.asp
(I have contacted the above author and we will attempt to properly determine who wrote this article. It's obvious who is the superior writer.)
Fiona's copyright notice at end of article:
UPDATE: Once news of this reached Moore, she pulled this 'article' from all her Facebook groups and her Associated Content publishings. However, she forgot her MySpace account, which she has ostensibly abandoned. It, and Erica Jongs poem, are still displayed there.