Thursday, April 22, 2010

Moore On Contraception

This 2006 'article' has been chosen for examination for several reasons. One can clearly see the normal garbled sentence structure and spelling errors of Moore's personal skills when not cutting and pasting from better writers, and two, to show the complete lack of research she put into the article itself; on a serious topic where medical accuracy is quite important to the reader. You can see the published Associated Content article here:

This article also shows up, verbatim, on a site called Shvoong, in 2005. It is posted as a book summary, with credit given to Ms. Moore, yet no book is referenced.

RM writes:
"By the time a woman reaches her mid-thirties she may have married more than once, given birth a few times or moved home several times however, she may never have given a second thought to changing her method of contraception.

There are several methods of contraception available to women today and one of the most widely used in earlier womanhood is the barrier method. Whilst there are a few pro's to this method the con's are that is does not provide the user with any form of protection from sexually transmitted diseases."

The barrier method (condoms) are the ONLY form of birth control that provide protection from sexually transmitted diseases. This is an unforgivable grave error that could cause serious risks for any reader who believed this. She further compounds this with the confusing statement 'in earlier womanhood' - as if older women no longer needed to protect from sexually-transmitted disease.

RM writes:
The next most widely used form of contraception is The Pill. This is an oral form of contraception which contains two ingredients, progestogen and oestrogen, which surpresses oveulation. The pro's for this method of contraception are: the ease of use and its reliability as a method of contraception. The con's include side-effects
which may cause nausea, headaches and breast tenderness. The con's of The Pill is that it does not protect the user from sexually transmitted diseases and must be re-evaluated every four years. Medical surveys have shown that The Pill can increase the risk of cancer, especially for smokers, of heart disease and heightens the risk of breast cancer.

The Minipill is also a widely used form of contraception however it contains no oestrogen and minute amounts of progestrogen. This form of contraception prevents sperm from reaching the egg by thickening the mucus of the cervix. The pro's of using the Minipill are due to there being oestrogen this pill has fewer side-effects than The Pill. It can also produce lighter periods and is an excellent choice for women who suffer from heavy periods or anemia. The con's are that this form of contraceptive does not offer any protection from sexually transmitted diseases or Aids.

One should always rely on another birth control method when first beginning the Pill; two weeks is generally considered a safe period after which the Pill's effectiveness will have begun.

The Pill can increase risk for stroke & blood clots, also; smoking increases these risks, and no woman over 30 that smokes should use the Pill. There have been deaths (typically stroke) associated with the Pill, even in women as young as their 20's.

The Minipill is not considered as effective as the Pill.

Many women cannot tolerate either form of the Pill.

RM writes:
"The IUD is a piece of plastic with copper wrapped around the outside. Another form contains progestrogen. This form of contraception is entered into the uterus to stop sperm from reaching the egg. The pro's are that IUD is a long-term form of contraception. The con's are that IUD can be the cause of very heavy periods and does not protect it's user from sexually transmitted diseases. However, this form of contraception is one of the safest form of contraception."

IUD's do not function by preventing sperm from reaching an egg. IUD's work by keeping the lining of the uterus in a constant state of low-level inflammation, and this hostile environment will cause natural antibodies to attack and kill sperm/ova, and/or prevent implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine wall. The copper T IUD also releases copper into the uterus and part of the fallopian tubes, effectively acting as a poison. The hormonal IUS type of IUD releases hormones directly into the womb, thinning the lining (preventing implantation), can cause about a 15% drop in fertility, and impairs sperm movement and function in addition to thickening the mucus plug at the opening of the uterus.

Ms. Moore also claims the IUD is "the safest form of contraception." This is false. Possibilities from using IUD's:

"Uterus and/or bladder perforation, spontaneous abortion, septic abortion, pelvic inflammatory disease, heavy bleeding, ectopic pregnancy, permanent sterility, allergic reaction to copper/copper toxicity, anemia, backache & ovarian cysts. Source:

RM writes:
"The Barrier method contraceptions include cervical caps in conjunction with sperimicidal jellies, pesseries or creams. There are two tupes of Barrier Method, the female condon and the male condom. The male condom is one of the most highly used and is the one form of contraceptive that is the most common in the marketplace. The male condom is used externally and stops sperm from reaching the eggs. The pro's are that they are easily used, inexpensive and can stop sexually transmitted diseases. The con's are that on rare occasions they break. Female condons, or diaphragms, are used internally by the female and stop sperm from reaching the eggs. The pro's are they are inexpensive the ease of use. The con's are when using diaphragms they can slip and are know to cause urinary-tract infections."

Norplant are flexible small capsules inserted by a medical professional just below the skin on your upper arm. They slowly release progestrogen and surpress ovulation for up to a five year period. The pro's are that this form of contraception is highly convenient, highly effect and has relatively few side-effects. The con's are it will not protect the user from sexually transmitted diseases and it may cause irregular periods."

RM wrote the above in 2005 or 2006 – six years after Norplant was taken off the market in the US and the UK (where she lives) due to tens of thousands of lawsuits worldwide.

RM writes:
Tubal litigation is blocking the Fallopian Tubes so that sperm can not reach the eggs. This method of contraception is surgically implanted and can be used for the rest of your sexual life. The pro's are that it can be used for the rest of your sexual life. The con's are it does not transmit against sexually transmitted diseases and all surgery carries a risk factor. Note: a small amount of users have become pregnant whilst using this form of contraception.

Aside from the hilarious question of how one gets a lawsuit implanted to block the fallopian tubes...or how sperm travel UP the fallopian tubes to 'reach the eggs...'

Tubal ligation is a surgical cut and either a sew or, more commonly, a permanent cauterization that seals the ends of the cut fallopians. It prevents pregnancy because the egg cannot leave the fallopian tube to reach the uterus and be fertilized there by sperm; it is then reabsorbed by the body.

RM writes:
"Depo-Provera is a form of injection which supresses ovulation for approximately a twelve week period. This is a highly form of contraceptive worldwide however studies have shown that many side-effects may be linked to
this form of contraception. The pro's for this form of contraception are the user has between 10-13 weeks between each injection and it can cause your periods to stop completely. The con's are weight gain, headaches, naused and depression. This form of contraception does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases"


Depo-Provera is dangerous, period. It should not be recommended to anyone. There are numerous lawsuits, and many, many complications involved with this drug, including bone loss (osteoporosis) & increased breast cancer.

1 comment:

  1. Methinks Ms. Moore needs to take HS Sex Ed again!

    The IUD I have in (the Mirena) has hormones in it that are slowly released--it is not plastic covering copper--it is plastic, period!

    As for sperm going up the Fallopian tubes...YIKES! That's some mighty, mighty sperm.

    As for Depo, a LOT of people have issues with it. My sister has been on it successfully for 5 years--but who knows what the future holds? Of course, she's on it for medical reasons (she has PCOS, and bad periods). It didn't work for me at all (I also have PCOS, and CONTINUOUS periods), and neither does the Mirena, so I'm getting a hysterectomy.

    I think that unless someone is a) a health specialist b) interviewed a health specialist or c) used all these methods, they shouldn't be writing articles.

    I'm SCARED that Moore wrote this article.
