Chops has used its own third eye and examined page 17. Here is our side-by-side comparison of Moore's Beyond The Third Eye, page 17, and the original sources. The original sources are scanned books that can be found online and read in their entirety. Moore's book quotations are in grey, originals in blue. This is the entire text of Moore's page 17, reproduced here word for word.
Beyond The Third Eye, pg. 17:
is reserved to receive pagans and idolators, whilst the seventh, the most severe place of punishment within the lowest depths of the abyss, is called Hooviat, and reserved for the hypocritical professors of religion."
Faiths of The World: An Account of All Religions and Religious Sects, pg 17
"..will receive pagans and idolators, while the seventh, the severest place of punishment in the lowest depths of the abyss, is named Hooviat, and reserved for the hypocritical professors of religion."
(Chops note: The paragraph that precedes the above starts on page 16 of Beyond The Third Eye, and is from the same source.)
Beyond The Third Eye, pg. 17:
The Hindus believe in a graduated scale of future punishments as well as rewards: "The less wicked being sunk into a lower position in the next birth (reincarnation), the more wicked being sent down to one or another of the innumerable Hells, to reappear on earth in mineral, animal and vegetable forms before they rise to the human form. The most wicked of all beings are doomed to experince the misery and woe and perdition until the time of all dissolution of all things."
Faiths of The World: An Account of All Religions and Religious Sects, pg 17
(carries over to pg.18)
The Hindus believe in a graduated scale of future punishments as well as rewards: "The less wicked being sunk into a lower position in the next birth (reincarnation), the more wicked being sent down to one or another of the innumerable Hells, to reappear, however, on earth in mineral, animal and vegetable forms before they rise to the human, the most wicked of all beings are doomed to experience the misery and woe and perdition till the time of the dissolution of all things."
Beyond The Third Eye, pg. 17:
The Buddhist tradition has a system of eight principal narakas, or places of torment, all of them situated in the interior of the earth and "so enclosed it makes it impossible for escape."
Faiths of The World: An Account of All Religions and Religious Sects, pg 18
"According to the system of the Budhists there are eight principle narakas, or places of torment, all of them situated in the interior of the earth and so enclosed that there is no possibility of escape from it."
.......................Beyond The Third Eye, pg. 17:Gnostics (gnosis, knowledge), the general name applied to various classes of pagans or heretics, arouse in the early period of the Christian Church. They derived from the school of philosophy and denoted a higher and esoteric science which was designed to express the superiority of their doctrines to those of the pagans and Jewish.
Faiths of The World, Part 2, by James Gardner, pg 977
"GNOSTICS (Gr. gnosis, knowledge) the general name applied to various classes of heretics, which arose at an early period of the Christian Church. The word from which their name is derived, had been previously used in schools of philosophy, to denote a higher and esoteric science, unknown to the vulgar.
As used by the Gnostics themselves, however, it was designed to express the superiority of their doctrines to those of the Pagans and Jews.."
Beyond The Third Eye, pg. 17:
The system of Gnosticism refers to to two fixed historical centers, Syria and Egypt. Hence, there was a marked difference between the Syrian and Alexandrian Gnosis, the former being characterized by a predominance of Dualism, the latter by a predominance of Pantheism.
Faiths of The World, Part 2, by James Gardner, pg 977
"The systems of Gnosticism were various, all of them referable to two fixed historical centers, Syria and Egypt. Hence, there was a marked difference between the Syrian and Alexandrian Gnosis, the former being characterized by a predominance of Dualism, the latter by a predominance of Pantheism.
Beyond The Third Eye, pg. 17:
It is impossible to even cursorily examine Gnosticism in the diversified aspect which it assumes, without being at almost every point, reminded of the old religious systems of Asia, Buddhism, Parsiam and Brahmanism.
Faiths of The World, Part 2, by James Gardner, pg 977
"It is impossible even to cursorily examine Gnosticism in the diversified aspect which it assumes, without being at almost every point, reminded of the old religious systems of Asia, Buddhism, Parsiam and Brahmanism."
.......................Beyond The Third Eye, pg. 17:
Gnostics believed in intuitions and symbols rather than conceptions. In the eye of the Gnostic "everything became hypostatized," which, to the Western thinker existed only as a conception.
Faiths of The World, Part 2, by James Gardner, pg 977
They moved rather amidst intuitions and symbols than conceptions.
In the eye of the Gnostic "everything became hypostatized," which, to the Western thinker existed only as a conception."
Beyond The Third Eye, pg. 17:
The foundation of most of the Gnostic system lies in the idea of two different and opposite worlds, the one "region of light", the other "region of darkness"; one is a region of purity and the other of sin, a superior world and an inferior world. The primal source of being was the Bythos (like the Brahm) of Hinduism in which
Faiths of The World, Part 2, by James Gardner, pg 977
"Hence at the foundation of most of the Gnostic system lies the idea of two different and opposite worlds, the one the region of light, the other of darkness; the one the region of purity and the other of sin; the one the region of happiness, the other of wretchedness; the one the region of immortality, the other of mortality."
"...thus giving rise to the superior world."
"...thus giving rise to the inferior world."
"The primal source of being, according to the chief Gnostic systems, was the Bythos (which see), which like the Brahm (which see) of Hinduism was .."
(Chops note: this paragraph in Beyond The Third Eye continues to page 18, copying Gardners work for another entire paragraph.)
I find this literally astounding. With the exception of a changed or rearranged word or two, virtually the entire page is another authors work. There is no citation, credit, mention, quote marks, block quote, lead-in or anything to indicate that this was someone else's work.
In the back of Moore's book, there is a Resources section. Here are the first seven listings, exactly as shown in the book:
Books of Kells-History, Mythology and Symbols
Natural Science Museum of the Human Body
Zigmund Freud theories
Rhythms and Cycles of Life
The Faiths and Cultures of of The World circa 1870
The History of The Roman Empire
The Legend of King Arthur
If one looks up The Faiths and Cultures of of The World circa 1870, there is no such book, website or listing that would lead one to the original author or current publishers (even when I already knew the source), nor is there any way to know which material in the book is attributable to not just that 'Resource', but any of the others, either - at least 2/3rds of which are website listings - most of which are defunct or lead to open DNS pages.
This leads me to deepen my original suspicion that Moore basically sits at a computer grabbing whatever she wants from the internet, cobbling it together in often nonsensical ways, and then promoting it as her own work.
Here is the current publisher of (Rev.) James Gardners very old works:
Kessinger Publishing
PO Box 160
Kila, MT 59920
(406) 756-0167
UPDATE: Rochelle Moore, through her Facebook alt 'Elvira Summerland,' has accused us of not posting her entire Resources list; the implication being that this authors works are indeed listed. A picture being worth a thousand words, I have included scans of page 17, and all three pages of her Resources. Seek, and you shall not find. Chops had given her the benefit of the doubt and assumed The Faiths and Cultures of of The World circa 1870, #5 in her Resources as posted above, was the reference for this work, inaccurate as that Resource is, it was close. Since she is implying that the actual reference is elsewhere in her Resources, I invite you to find it; I cannot.
Page 17, scanned (yellow highlights are the stolen James Gardner work):
All three pages of her Resources:
This book is a piece of crap! As for resources...they are totally and utterly useless. Whatever kind of "writer" she is pretending to be the only thing I can call her is a plagiarist and a fake!
ReplyDeleteWhere’s her bibliography that sites pages. Where are her footnotes. Quotes. I hope she gets sued by one of these original authors for stealing their work. She couldn’t write her name if asked. Oh wait. No one knows her real name. Like I said she’s a FAKE!