Monday, May 10, 2010

What Can Cut Can Copy

(Thanks to SH for this info.)
- from WITCH AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY, by Rochelle Moore

"What can kill can cure.
No mistletoe, no luck!
Faerie folk live in old Oaks
be silent as the Sacred Oak.
More in the garden grows
then even the Witch knows.
Where Rosemary grows,
the Missus is master.
Where Parsley grows
a Witch is at home.
Where the Yarrow grows,
there is one who knows.
If ye would herbal magick make,
be sure a spell in rhyme ye spake."

The Original:
Scott's original poem appears below (courtesy of SageSyren at; stolen sentences are highlighted in red:

Herbal Rede
By Scott Cunningham

What can kill, can cure.
More in the garden grows, than the Witch knows.
Sell your coat and buy Betony.
No ear hath heard, no tongue can tell, the virtue of the Pimpernel.
Treoil, Vervain, St John's Wort, Dill, hinder Witches of all their will.
Where Rosemary grows, the missus is master.
Faerie-Folks are in Old Oaks.
Sow Fennel, sow sorrow.
Only the wicked grow parsley.
Plant your Sage and Rue together, the Sage will grow in any weather.
Snakes will not go where Geraniums grow.
Where the Yarrow grow's, there is one who know's.
If ye would herbal magick make, be sure the spell in rhyme be spake.
Woe to the lad without a Rowen-Tree God.
Rowen tree and red thread, put the Witches to their speed.
Eat an apple going to bed, make the doctor beg his bread.
The fair maid who, the First of May, goes to the field's at break of day, and washes in dew from the Hawthorn tree, will ever after handsome be.
Plant not a Cypress vine, unless it bring death to thine.
Beware the Oak, it draws the stroke. Beware the Ash it courts the flash. Creep under the thorn, it saves you from harm.
An Apple a day, keeps the doctor away.
Flower's out of season, sorrow without reason.
He would live for aye, must eat Sage in May.
One to rot, one to grow, one for the pigeon, and one for the crow.
St John's Wort and Cyclamen, in your bed chamber keep, from evil spells and witcheries, to guard you in your sleep.
I Borage, gives courage.
No Mistletoe, no luck.
Be silent as the sacred Oak!
Llwellyn, Scott's publisher, has been notified, and additionally has been given Rochelle's real name and location. If anyone knows who is managing Scott's estate, please feel free to forward this info.

EDIT - additional info:

Moore has also published Scott's work on Witchvox, claiming it to be an 'ancient witch chant by an anonymous author:'

by Rochelle Moore

I came across this ancient witch chant whilst researching my book Witch

Rochelle Moore


"What can kill can cure.
No mistletoe, no luck!
Faerie folk live in old Oaks
be silent as the Sacred Oak.
More in the garden grows
then even the Witch knows.
Where Rosemary grows,
the Missus is master.
Where Parsley grows
a Witch is at home.
Where the Yarrow grows,
thereis one who knows.
If ye would herbal magick make,
be sure a spell in rhyme ye spake."

blessed be

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