Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Existence After Death, Zara Alcott/Rochelle Moore

Edit Update -


very large image, click to enlarge:

As readers might recall, when Chops used its own third eye and examined Moore's Beyond The Third Eye last year (refresher here), there were numerous issues with her book. Entire pages were other authors works, and her Resources failed entirely in identifying or crediting those pages to their rightful authorships.

These are the complete Resources from both books. Click for full-sized.

Moore,  Beyond The Third Eye:

Alcott's' Existence After Death:

This is rather amazing. With the exception of some additional websites listed (and Jeffrey Sealman newly added *cough*), Alcott's Resources are the same as Moore's. But the amazing part is that they are even in the same order. Déjà vu, mon ami's.

Chops suggests that the websites listed in MooreCott's Existence might want to peruse the book for stolen & uncredited content from their sites.

As for you, Ms. MooreCott, Chops can offer you a free remedial course in proper resource/bibliography/citation/quotation/credit and re-wording of other people's work (yes, there is a right way and a wrong way to do it). I recommend the parenthetical style:

Harvard System of Referencing

Here is a very clear explanation of what does, and does not constitute plagiarism:

Plagiarism explained in great detail

Please note that tossing a vague reference in the back of a book does not clear one of plagiarism if the author and source are not quoted properly within the body of the book when & where their words or ideas are used.

Chops hopes that the above will be very useful.

photo credit
