Comparing the 'Black Raven Coven' books and Rochelle Moore's books; they are virtually identical. Chops believes this puts to rest any further questions; Black Raven Coven is Rochelle's 2011 money-making iteration on social networking sites following her plagiarism bust last year. Same Facebook group urls, same books, same everything.
All that would remain is for Rochelle/Siobhan/Raven/Zara to explain why she went from a Christo-Wiccan to a hereditary witch practicing thousands of years old witchcraft descended from her ancestors the Druids to a third-degree Gardnerian witch with 45 years of practice and seminars. Chops won't be holding it's breath.
The book examinations: identical passages are in red. Large files, click to expand each image.
Page one
Page Two
Page Three
Page Four
Page Five
Chops stands by it's original assertion that Black Raven Coven is Rochelle Moore, back under a new persona (Raven, and many phoney admin alts), recycling her older Moore works under a different name and premise this year after the plagiarism bust of last year - to continue to make money off the pagan community.
EDIT Update:
Now that it has been established that Isobelle Raven Avalon and Black Raven Coven are indeed Rochelle (Siobhan Mary Whelan) Moore, Chops knew much of what she is attempting to sell as her own work would be plagiarized from other authors - and they would all be online. Indeed that is the case. In a brief examination of just one small part of the book 'Magic For The New Witch and Wiccan', one finds the following: (Raven/Rochelle's book quotes are in grey, the plagiarized originals are in blue. Red denotes the word or two that Rochelle added or changed). Naturally, none of the stolen works are cited or attributed.
-from Raven Avalons (Rochelle Moore) Magic For The New Witch and Wiccan
You would not be reading this were you not already a Seeker, trying to find your Way. Your search, the inner work it involves, the dedication, are what matter, not if your Path leads finally to being a Witch or Wicca. Walk in the light and you will never go astray. The journey to Magick starts with an inner voyage.
Magick will take you further, teach you how to penetrate the veils and layers of reality. Magick deals in ultimate truths. This journey, should you decide to undertake it, is a never-ending one. We all have things we can still learn about ourselves and about Magick, no matter how long we have been studying.
Where she stole the above content from:
You would not be reading this were you not already a Seeker, trying to find your Way. Your search (and the inner work it involves) are what matter, not if your Path leads finally to Wicca or somewhere else.
Walk in the light and you will never go astray. The journey to magick starts with an inner voyage, the journey to Self.
Magick will take you further, teach you how to penetrate the veils and layers of reality. Magick deals in ultimate truths. This journey, should you decide to undertake it, is a never-ending one. We all have things we can still learn about ourselves and about magick, no matter how long we have been studying.
-- from The Wicca Handbook by Eileen Holland.
Raven/Rochelles book:
Witches do not exactly "believe in" anything. They just know it to be there. Witches are great individualists and while all Wiccans are Pagans, not all Pagans are Witches. Witchcraft is a type of Paganism.
Pagans all believe in the same things but Witches work spells and Magick whilst Pagans who are not Witches do not. This will become more clear as we move through this book.
The terms Black or White Magick really have no meaning. Magick in itself is a neutral force. It is how you use it that determines whether it is for good or bad. However, Witches bear in mind the message given in the Wiccan Rede and the Threefold rule; "What you do will return to you threefold"; hence, it is not advisable to actually work any harmful Magick.
Where she stole the above content from:
Witches do not exactly "believe in" anything. They just know it to be there. Witches are great individualists. While all wiccans are pagans, not all pagans are witches. Witchcraft is a type of paganism.
Pagans all believe in the same things but witches work spells and magic whilst pagans who are not witches do not.The terms Black or White magic really have no meaning. Magic is a neutral force. It is how you use it which determines wether it is for good or bad. However, witches bear in mind the message given in the wiccan rede and the Threefold rule. ((What you do will return to you threefold)). It is very unadvisable to actually work any harmful magic.
Source: written by: Bekka
Raven/Rochelles book:
The term Pagan is from the Latin "Paganus", an adjective originally meaning "rural", "rustic" or "of the country." As a noun, “Paganus” was used to mean "country dweller, villager”. The semantic development of post-classical Latin Paganus in the sense "non-Christian, heathen" is unclear. The dating of this is controversial, but the 4th century seems most plausible. An earlier example has been suggested in Tertullian De Corona Militis xi, "Apud hunc [sc. Christum] tam miles est paganus fidelis quam paganus est miles infidelis," but here the word Paganus may be interpreted in the sense "civilian" rather than "heathen".
From its earliest beginnings, Christianity spread much more rapidly in major urban areas (like Antioch, Alexandria, Corinth, Rome) than in the countryside (in fact, the early church was almost entirely urban), and soon the word for "country dweller" became synonymous with someone who was "not a Christian," giving rise to the modern meaning of "Pagan."
Where she stole the above content from:
The term pagan is from the Latin paganus, an adjective originally meaning "rural", "rustic" or "of the country." As a noun, paganus was used to mean "country dweller, villager."[7] The semantic development of post-classical Latin paganus in the sense "non-Christian, heathen" is unclear. The dating of this sense is controversial, but the 4th century seems most plausible. An earlier example has been suggested in Tertullian De Corona Militis xi, "Apud hunc [sc. Christum] tam miles est paganus fidelis quam paganus est miles infidelis," but here the word paganus may be interpreted in the sense "civilian" rather than "heathen".
From its earliest beginnings, Christianity spread much more quickly in major urban areas (like Antioch, Alexandria, Carthage, Corinth, Rome) than in the countryside (in fact, the early church was almost entirely urban[citation needed]), and soon the word for "country dweller" became synonymous with someone who was "not a Christian," giving rise to the modern meaning of "pagan."
Source: Wikipedia
Raven/Rochelles book:
There are many branches of Paganism e.g.:
Celtic (Druid), a reconstruction of the faith practiced by the Celts before the
Christianization of areas such as Ireland, Britain and Northern Europe.
Eclectic Pagan; a term that describes people who take from many different faiths and combine them into one, Egyptian (Kemetic), is a reconstruction of the faith practiced by the ancient Egyptians and
Heathenism, (Asatru), a reconstruction of the faith practiced by the Norse people before the onset of the Christianization of Scandinavia.
Where she stole the above content from:
Celtic (Druid), a reconstruction of the faith practiced by the Celts before the Christianization of areas such as Ireland, Britain, and Gaul
Eclectic Pagan, a term that describes people who take from many different faiths and combine them into one.
Egyptian (Kemetic), a reconstruction of the faith practiced by the ancient Egyptians.
Heathenism (Asatru), a reconstruction of the faith practiced by the Norse people before the Christianization of Scandinavia.
Source: Adam Bean, Paganism & Wicca FAQ - from the Facebook group Paganism & Wicca
Raven/Rochelles book:
As time progressed and Christianity spread, those same country folk were often the last strongholds clinging to their old religions.
Thus, "Pagan" came to mean people who didn't worship the God of Abraham
Where she stole the above content from:
As time progressed and Christianity spread, those same country folk were often the last holdouts clinging to their old religions.
Thus, “Pagan” came to mean people who didn’t worship the god of Abraham.
Source: Patti Wigington, ‘Wicca, Witchcraft or Paganism?’ author
Raven/Rochelles book:
Hedge-witchery, or Hedge-craft, is a kind of combination of Witchcraft and Shamanism. This Path is based on the Traditional Witchcraft and Cunning Folk traditions of Europe from ancient to modern times.
The word "Hedgewitch" may come from the Saxon word for Witch, Haegtessa, which translates to "hedge-rider". The Old Norse lay Havamal refers to "hedge-riders, witching aloft.
For the Hedge-witch, "the Hedge" is a metaphor for the line drawn between this world and the next; between reality and dream, between the Upper, Middle, and Lower Worlds.
In short, the Hedge is what many Pagans refer to as the Veil.
Hedge Witches use herbs and shamanic techniques, such as drumming and meditation, to induce altered states of consciousness.
They work with familiar spirits, their ancestral dead, plant and animal Totems to assist in their Otherworld work.
Where she stole the above content from:
Hedgewitchy or Hedgecraft, is a kind of combination of Witchcraft and Shamanism. This Path is based on the Traditional Witchcraft and Cunning Folk traditions of Europe from ancient to modern times.
“Hedgewitch” most likely comes from the Saxon word haegtessa, which translates to “hedge-rider”. The Old Norse lay Havamal refers to “hedge-riders, witching aloft”.
For the Hedgewitch, “the Hedge” is a metaphor for the line drawn between this world and the next; between reality and dream, between the Upper, Middle, and Lower Worlds.
Treating “the Hedge” an another word for what pagans commonly call the Veil.
Hedgewitches use herbs and herbal concoctions known as flying ointments, as well as shamanic techniques such as drumming and meditation, to induce altered states of consciousness. They work with familiar spirits, their ancestral dead, plant and animal Totems and the like, to assist in their Otherworld work.
Source: Written by Juniper
Raven/Rochelles book:
A Hedge Witch would have learned their trade or Craft by word of mouth. More than likely they would have learned it from a family member or the former village Witch and is an eclectic path.
Where she stole the above content from:
A hedge witch would have learned their trade or craft by word of mouth. More than likely they would have learned it from a family member or the former village witch.
Source: Written by: GreenWitch
Raven/Rochelles book:
Animism is derived from the Latin word "anima” meaning “breath or soul" and the belief of Animism is probably one of man's oldest beliefs in the world. This Tradition believe that a soul or spirit exists in every object, even if it was inanimate.
Where she stole the above content from:
The term animism is derived from the Latin word anima meaning breath or soul. The belief of animism is probably one of man's oldest beliefs, with its origin most likely dating to the Paleolithic age. From its earliest beginnings it was a belief that a soul or spirit existed in every object, even if it was inanimate.
Source: ‘Animism’ written by Alan G. Hefner and Virgilio Guimaraes for
To anyone being fleeced by this woman, return your books and demand a refund. All salient material in Raven/Rochelles book is available for free online; to include Rochelle Moore's Gather and Associated Content sites.Do not continue to be fooled by this poser pretending to be a 'high priestess.' For shame.
EDIT Update:
Raven says the matter is settled; she has posted a photo that clearly proves she is not Rochelle/Siobhan:
click to enlarge's another photo she took from an online website and added her name to:
click to enlarge
Well, that just settles everything, doesn't it. ;)
Cue the bluster, accusations of Chops being a "bully" and more failure to actually address the issue from Moore/Avalon's minions. Now remember, Chops, the problem isn't that she's a blatant thief; it's that you're the bad guy for reporting it. Intelligence is an affliction, to some people.
ReplyDeleteA bunch of posts on their blog went missing today. I wish I'd screencapped them for you.
ReplyDeleteThey weren't even BAD posts, just posts from certain Bunz.
Chops feels that this 'mystery' is over with. It is obvious that BRC and Rochelle Moore are one and the same; the rest is just petty drama. :)
ReplyDeleteWill this information be passed on to any authorities? I should rephrase; what are the possible outcomes from this discovery and can there be any charges made against her?
ReplyDeleteExcellent investigative reporting on this blog.
ReplyDelete"Isobelle Raven Avalo, Black Raven Coven are indeed Rochelle (Siobhan Whelan) Moore"
Now all that's needed it the real life identity, a mug shot photo for internet fraud and we're all set. One can only hope.
Hi Chops; this copied post is from Isadora Raven Avalon in the Learn Witchcraft group. She's targeting the bunny group again: our coven has had a lot of ongoing issued with a fiendish group called the fluffy bunnies plus a twit called bustin chops. We have decided the only way to clear this issue up is to post a photo taken of me by our local newspaper in 2003 and it is clear (even to twits) that i am not rochelle, jaceuqline, lilla, or anyone else but Isadora Raven Avalon. For those who are unaware of this ongoing harassment please do not take offence at this posting. Isadora Raven Avalon
ReplyDeleteA photo that she grabbed from an online website means nothing.
ReplyDeleteWhat she refuses to address is why the coven page is Rochelle Moore's page, and why all her "coven books" are Rochelle Moore's writings. Mostly plagiarized from other online authors, but already published under the name Rochelle Moore.
These matters will not be addressed, as they had already claimed they did not know Moore. Therefore, either she stole all of Rochelle Moores (plagiarized) work and is a terrible liar, or she IS Rochelle Moore (Siobhan M. Whelan)....and is a terrible liar.
She will never confirm this, and there is no way out except to disappear.
Chops predicts that, like Moore did last year, she will become suddenly ill, have an accident, and/or leave Facebook, or delete the groups and start again after she reinvents herself with a new persona - and pays to change the title and author name and re-self-publish the stolen works in her 'books/booklets.'
She posted on your facebook page too.
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't worth reading anyway. She just said "Bull Crap" which is not really relevant to what you've discovered. I hope you've nailed her and she goes away now like you said.
ReplyDeleteYes. She blocked Chops first, thinking we would not be able to see her posts, and then posted.
ReplyDeleteObviously, she had little to say. ;)
Silly woman!
ReplyDeleteShe's at it again; this is what she's posted in response on your fb page: look at the appendix also i dont care what you think you are just a stupid childish coward who hides. You have my official photo now and the reason i selected this one is quite clear it is an official picture taken by my local newspaper in 2003 therefore proof beyond a doubt. So cut out the harassment and the nasty comments and go back into hiding because i know you dont have the courage to come to me face to face and now everyone else knows it. you could always call me christopher penczak because he is my all time fav. current author and i mention him in our book too with links to his fantastic book or why not rae beth? because it does not suit your cowardly ways nor your horrible bullying tactics. so one and one does add up to two and not three as you seem to believe. we also have your ip now so as the english would say "put up or shut up" - come out to the public and let them decide but that would be just a little too scary for people such as you, wouldn't it?
ReplyDeleteSorry to keep posting but this is on Adana Silvermist's wall; hello chops got your ip address busted
ReplyDeleteDenise Alvarado
Walden University
Monday at 16:16 · Share
Monday at 16:38
David Patterson well done guys
Tuesday at 07:36
More obfuscation & name-calling.
ReplyDeleteStill waiting for her to address the following:
Why is the coven page Rochelle Moores Facebook url?
Why are the coven 'books' Rochelle Moores, word for word?
Why are the coven & Ravens logos Rochelle Moores book covers?
Three simple questions. Still no answer.
Grabbing yet another photo from an online website is not proof of anything. The offer still stands, Raven, to meet a well-known pagan leader in Wiltshire.
ReplyDeleteWow, just wow.
ReplyDeleteAnd now someone posted a plagiarized poem that a "friend wrote" on their cyber bully group on FB. It didn't take long to find out where it came from, and contact the author.
Silly, silly people.
Chops might point out that one cannot get an IP address from within Facebook without a subpoena, and Silvermist, who is Raven/Rochelle's alt, knows this. This is why she attempts her scams from inside Facebook and not on a website.
ReplyDeleteChops might also point out that they wouldn't be wise to go after Denise Alvarado, a rather well-known Houdon. She likely would not appreciate being randomly targeted,
I just read this. I can't believe they;re posting things about Denise Alvarado. Whoa. Not cool.
ReplyDelete"Juniper has left a new comment on your post "Isobelle Raven Avalon/Black Raven Coven Is Rochell...":
ReplyDeleteMy Hedgewitch article also appears in various forms on MysticWicks Magazine, Witchvox, the Walking the hedge website, my blog (as you noted) and in the book "To Fly By Night" published by Pendraig.
If an author doesn't mind others profiting from their work, that's entirely their choice. But perhaps you should put out your own book, Juniper, since your work is so widely copied. :)
All these people: Rochelle Moore, Raven Avalon aka Isadora Raven Avalon aka Lady Raven Avalon, Jacqueline Morrow Bowse, Bram Darkraven, Freya LaVey, Joanne Nelson, Lilla K. Elteto, Elizabeth Dickson, Black Tulip, and oh so many more asshat clowns….
ReplyDeleteI got all your names off FB and from in here from all the crap you've posted online. I've been watching you make total jackasses out of yourselves and LMFAO @ YOU ALL!
All I’ve seen this group of asshats do is spit venom and hate at every one cuz they got caught scamming, lying, plagiarizing, bulling making fake groups, making fake accounts…man it just goes on…
I don’t know these whackos from Adam but they had the balls to put my name on their stupid little list. Wow. I’m scared. NOT. What are you people 12? Nah. You’re nothing more than bottom feeders, scum, rip-off artists, cons. I'm not Pagan (nothing against you guys) so I can’t figure how the F I ended up on this crazy cult of whackos list but whatever. When I got a message telling me I was on it I’ve been following this asshat groups roaring comedy ever since.
BTW Raven/Rochelle whatever the hell your name is…you can’t with worth shit. But you sure as hell got copy and paste down pat. YAY for you baby! You musta got an A in art. Why doncha go back to kindergarten and leave the writing to the grownups Mkay.
FYI: ALL the players in that asshat whacko group need some serious psychiatric treatment and major meds. Hey I’m hoping they all get some hefty legal bills, fines and maybe some criminal charges stacked on top too. Now that would be really cool!
So Rochelle Moore, Raven Avalon aka Isadora Raven Avalon aka Lady Raven Avalon, Jacqueline Morrow Bowse, Bram Darkraven, Freya LaVey, Joanne Nelson, Lilla K. Elteto, Elizabeth Dickson, Black Tulip, and the too many other asshat clowns to name of the whacko cult group of the scam cult tribe ….
Thanks for being such an inept group of idiots. The entertainment factor was better than a movie and popcorn and was a heck of a lot cheaper too. Now crawl off into a hole someplace and stop scamming on the internet cuz FB isn’t the only place on the internet that this crap of yours is being talked about. The words out baby!
Chops would like to mention that Black Tulip is NOT amongst the Rochelle/Raven crowd.
ReplyDeleteMy mistake her then. Saw her name in a post on your FB page with that Raven chick. Couldn't tell who she was with. Sorry there Black Tulip.
ReplyDeleteThe rest are still asshats.
Chops must thank you for making me laugh aloud. Not something that happens often dealing with this blog. :)
ReplyDeleteHA! Just saw that asshat Elizabeth Dickson can read and post bullshit on the internet. Good for you sweet cheeks! Now read this: I'm following you, not "stalking" you. HUGE DIFFERENCE and don't flatter yourself. It's called surfing the web baby. It’s all up there for the viewing.
ReplyDeleteYour remark, Elizabeth-asshat, is just another lie to hide the fact that your group is just a bunch of bottom feeding, rip-off, con-artist, con game playing, low life people, scamming on the internet. You asshats are ALL over the internet. East to find. I can follow any topic I want. Don’t like it? Bite me bitch. The internet lets me surf, at the same time lets you and your asshat group lie, harass, “stalk” and post stupid lists. I see you're "stalking" and attacking some poor guy right now on your page. Hope he sues the shit out of you for it too.
Btw sweet cheeks, my name is right *there* on your asshat list you posted up. So Miss little mouthy, smarty pants, asshat Elizabeth Dickson, go F'ing figure it out. I found ALL of you easy enuff.
Opinion summary:
You and your asshat group all are total asshat idiots!
Your asshat group is just a bunch of bottom feeding, rip-off, con-artists, con game playing, low life people, scamming on the internet who got caught. DEAL!
Your asshat group/ppl make fake pages/accounts.
Your asshat group/ppl post “hate” lists of people you don’t even F’ing know.
When the people you’ve stalked, listed, attack get pissed @ you stalk, harass, attack them some more and lie to cover your asshat asses.
I don’t think any of you from that asshat group could:
a)Find your asses with both hands and a flashlight.
b)Find your way out of a well lit tunnel .
Advice summary:
Psychiatric treatment. Meds. Seek it.
Continue to be my free entertainment.
Your choice.
Closing summary:
STFU you bunch of sniveling, unimportant, bottom feeding, rip-off, con-artist, con game playing, low life, scamming group of asshat people who got caught scamming on the internet.
Here lemme call you a WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHbulance.
I contacted Lulu and they have removed the book. As my article was published in another book they were willing to do so for me. Stopping theft of my work is something that I gave up long ago, but I will stand up for others.
ReplyDeleteJuniper, if you ever need help with pursuing plagiarists of your work, just say the word.
ReplyDeletePS: Please save your communication with Lulu if you would.
ReplyDeleteTo the little boy who is stalking me and my friends, yes I can read and write, you have a lot to say to a computer screen dont you , no doubt then a snivelling mummy's boy couldnt do that face to face. I won't lower myself to throw insults, yes I believe I know who you are, that's fine too. Follow me or as I see it cyber stalk me all you like darlin I have nothing to hide.we all know who goblin is don't we, as well do chops and the bunnys as it was all of you who invented him. It is nice to see that at least one of you is calling me by my real name and not calling roschelle or raven or any other name that you sad little people come up with. Though I don't mind you calling me names sticks and stones and all that , I'm honoured you think me important enough to be watched, am I some kind of threat to you all ? Maybe eh for giving someone something to laugh about you lot regularly give us all a laugh, you all act so high and mighty with your long words and perfect punctuation, but you really are quite dim. Fo instance boudicia managed to call mysel and Joanne roschelle Moore on the same page within hours of each other how dumis that , oh no wait , sorry I forgot there are around a hundred ravens out there and a hundred roschelles according to you dim wits, and also if that is not a prime example of cyber bullying from mummy's boy right there I'd like toknow what is. Also chops your friend Nos the gob. Now let's see nos thinks that Joanne and myself should be burned, it's all on jacs cyber bullying page for all to see, is that the sound of a sane person to you. I really have nothing further to say to you except the fact that all you seem to report on chops is story's from the bunnys, and thier tales of woe. This is all one big set up chops bunnys crap about raven etc. Joanne opened her page about abuse fro the bunnys within two days over two hundred people joined all with story's of nasty things the bunnys had done to them or someone they knew. It was only there for around three days because the bunnys began winging to face book about it and got it closed, I wonder how many more would have joined were it not for that, it was the same time that the greeslime ball came along and sucked us idiot in, yes I did call us idiots for believing in him, but how clever of you guys to set us up that way and how clever you are to keep adding to it, but I must once again publicly thank the bunnys , without them acusing me of being raven I would never have met her, I'm so leased I did, she is a very charming warm and loving friendship and I hope to be friends with her and the members of the black raven coven for many years to come. THANKYOU BUNNYS AND CHOPS FOR BRINGING HER INTO MY LIFE, IM BLESSED and you are all sad and irritating. Mummy's boy I will try really hard to entertain you , it's difficult though, as you are. Clearly very very sad. Bye now, have a nice day , I love you all so so much x
ReplyDeleteAdding people to groups without their knowledge or consent doesn't count. ;)
ReplyDeleteChops goal is, and always has been, plagiarism. That certain people constantly insert themselves into the Raven/Rochelle issue is largely irrelevant; and Chops will not be responding much longer to non-issues.
With Lulu removing the book today after checking for plagiarism, it is quite clear who suffers from a lack of ethics.
We all make our own choices. What one does with the consequences can either end up as a benefit, or the compounding of a mistake.
I love the person who keeps calling that group "ass hats". I've never heard that before and it's an instant classic!!
ReplyDeletethat was a form of cyber-bullying.amazes me how when people defend themselves how do we get called names. Sorry chops that post was made on burning people in Lets stop Cyber-bullying by and admim of the bunnies. So as i said to you. Why are you not addressing that..or any of the other crap they have done?that was a form of cyber-bullying.amazes me how when people defend themselves how we get called names. Sorry chops that post was made on burning people but and admim of the bunnies. So as i said to you. Why are you not addressing that..or any of the other crap they have done?
ReplyDeletePoints up ^ Loser asshat.
ReplyDeleteBook Plagiarized.
Book go bye-bye off Lulu.
Priceless asshat entertainment. Got my buds howling at that wtf, rambling, make no sense post up there.
Bustin' Chops your blog F'ing rock!
chops you had so much to say. Now why dont you respond.?
ReplyDeletewaiting...... As you like to say
ReplyDeleteYeah; Elizabeth Dickson had a charming mouth on her in that group as well, why not talk about that? Oh wait - I have a better idea- let's not because it was such a waste of time. "ooh, the bunnies are picking on me, ooh, I'm defenceless". What a joke. You sound like a kid reporting to Teacher. You're the last one that can throw around accusations of cyber-bullying. You accused almost everyone but yourself of being the person who runs this blog and being the Goblin. You just don't like it when people can answer back.
ReplyDeleteMost bunnies and chops cannot comment on ANYTHING that goes on in the Cyber Bullies page, as we were banned simply BECAUSE WE WERE ON THE BUNNIES PAGE.
ReplyDeleteI would love to see the "attacks" by bunnies. Really I would.
Aside from the posted proof which is NOT an attack, but factual.
Kakabel Hawthorne
And in answer to you chop, shenga or whatever your name is, it is noted you do not use your real name either. Isn't it typical that when anyone post anything relevant about the bunnys being bully's you suddenly revert to 'this is not what this blog is for' and you won't be reporting on it any more, yet you are happy enough to put rude and bullying comments from bunnys and people who have openly admitted on your blog page to cyber stalking. You have had a lot to say about me chops, because I think it's right to defend my friends,all of it has been gear say and lies, non of you know me, non of you have tried to know me, I have tried with the bunnys. So what I don't agree with you or them about raven, does that mean that then gives you the god almighty right to slander me, to tell people all over the net that I'm an alt of Raven or Roschelle Moore. I don't think that is right, and I'm sure if we tried hard enough we could get something done about you and your friends. I will not have you slander me for things I have not done. It's not on, maybe this is why you don't give out your real name is it, so you can slander people in this way. Well it seems we do know who you are now, I'd be very careful about what you do write without hard evidence in future chops, shenga or who ecer you are today, I have a good idea who is behind this blog. And let me tell you I'm not as thick or as dumb as your other little anonymous friend would have you believe. I find it funny how you can write slandering people who use thier real names when you and your friends hide behind made up names, oh dear who is real and fake now then. One last thing do not pretend to be impartial when you are obviously happy to back up and write for the bunnys, but as soon as the other side approaches you, you leave face book, and say you won't keep reporting on these issues when this is what you have been doing on behalf of the bunnys as long as I have been looking at this blog. You are indeed one sided.
ReplyDeleteTo the best of Chop's knowledge, no bunny has yet done any of the following:
ReplyDelete1. Repeatedly plagiarized other authors and claimed it was their own work.
2. Repeatedly invented false personas all over the internet and charged people for other authors stolen work.
3. Repeatedly produced a Hate List calling for people to be persecuted on Facebook, most utterly innocent of any involvement with said plagiarist, and including a 13 year old boy.
Should one come to light amongst the Bunny people, Chops will merrily pursue them, too.
Now, would you care to respond to the issues?
1. Why is Black Raven Coven's url Rochelle Moores Facebook group page, when they claim they don't know Rochelle?
2. Why is Raven Avalon and BRC using two of Rochelles book covers as their logo and book cover? (The book that Lulu just dropped for plagiarism)
3. Why did the artist of the purple pentagram book cover (Fanny Price) state that she was told Rochelle gave Raven permission to use her book cover, when Raven and BTC principles claimed they did not know Rochelle?
4. Why are all the 'coven' self-publishings Rochelle Moores plagiarized content?
5. Why won't a lineaged Gardnerian provide her degree/teaching credentials?
6.Why is Raven adamantly refusing to prove who she is, when she demands that everyone else should?
Lastly, the most important question of all:
Why don't any of you give a damn about an obviously unethical 'HP' misleading new pagans and selling them stolen writings?
To the long anonymous post:
ReplyDeleteSince neither Raven/Rochelle nor any other BRC principles (Bram, Adana, etc) are using their real names either, Chops finds this rather ironic that you all demand other peoples identity.
Since a self-professed 3rd-degree Gardnerian refuses to provide her lineage/qualifications as a teacher; which any Gard would be proud to do, it's doubly ironic.
Since one 'real' person, Chattering Magpie, who spoke his opinion is now being threatened with BRC going to his Federation organization with false claims about his harrassment - one of the most civil people Chops has seen in all this affair -, we find it triply ironic that you all continue to demand real ID's.
Lastly, since the Hate List that Joanne and Freya first posted in BRC (yes, we have screenshots) was being used to encourage mass reporting and banning of the people on the list, it is becoming pure black comedy that you still demand 'real people' to step forward.
Since you are posting anonymously, you cannot claim that Chops had a lot to say about you, especially since Chops focus is Raven/Rochelle, whom you obviously are not. If you care to state who you are, Chops would be happy to address anything posted on this blog about you, should you wish.
As for your vaguely threatening tone, don't bother. On the upper left of any blog page is a link to the very first post on this blog; there you will find relevant legal info, definitions, etc. Firstly, slander must be untrue to be slander; secondly, slander is verbal; the written form is libel; which we are sure is what you intended to say.
Should you ever decide that Chops has posted anything with no evidence that would lead to our reasonable conclusions, we would be more than willing to appear in a court of law with you, the person behind the Raven name, and our evidence -and yours- on a libel case. Chops has asked many times for evidence to the contrary; none has been provided. Please do so if possible.
Part 2 - post was too long for a single posting.
Chops can also assure you that everyone you have accused of being Chops is in error. We also advise you that Denise Alvarado is not likely to take well to being randomly dragged into your self-induced BRC issues should you pursue that particular error.
Regarding our visit to Facebook: we came to FB by request - and it wasn't Bunnies that requested it - to give anyone a chance to speak directly to us. Here's what happened when Chops came to FB:
1. Bram Darkraven posted; Chops responded, he deleted the entire post.
2. Bunnies left comments; Chops did not respond.
3. Raven posted a childish/insulting post, not addressing a single real issue, and then blocked Chops so we could not see her post.
She then posted an edited version of what she had left on Chops to the coven wall, but neglected to mention that she had blocked Chops, making it appear that Chops wouldn't answer her. She then called Chops a coward. (Bit of irony there). Chops responded when sent a copy of the post; she never replied to that post.
Raven then told the coven that Chops was 'leaving FB' - as if her childish post had made us leave. Chops had posted when we made the profile that we would not be there long. When it became clear that no real dialogue was going to occur, there was no point to remaining, and between the people that blocked Chops and posted, and the potential for arguments to begin between bunnies and BRC people, it was a waste of time.
My position has not changed; I will not spend hours reporting insults and tit-for-tats. BRC members who ended up being mentioned here were because of their involvement with the Hate List, Goblin hunter and groups that targeted so many pagans; most of whom had nothing to do with Raven or your 'coven' - including the 13 year old son of a Bunny. They now, understandably, want that blog history revised. It will not be, without supporting evidence for a revision. What happened, happened. That they continue to keep the drama going is a bit mystifying, since no recent posts have much involved them. We assume they like the attention.
Finally, Chops will attempt again to get back to the real issues. Should you care to address them:
1. Why is Black Raven Coven's url Rochelle Moores Facebook group page, when they claim they don't know Rochelle?
2. Why is Raven Avalon and BRC using two of Rochelles book covers as their logo and book cover? (The book that Lulu just dropped for plagiarism)
3. Why did the artist of the purple pentagram book cover (Fanny Price) state that she was told Rochelle gave Raven permission to use her book cover, when Raven and BTC principles claimed they did not know Rochelle?
4. Why are all the 'coven' self-publishings Rochelle Moores plagiarized content?
5. Why won't a lineaged Gardnerian provide her degree/teaching credentials?
6.Why is Raven adamantly refusing to prove who she is, when she demands that everyone else should?
Lastly, the most important question of all:
Why don't any of you give a damn about an obviously unethical 'HP' misleading new pagans and selling them stolen writings - if she is indeed not Rochelle Moore, as you claim?
Perhaps those that refuse to answer these important questions prefer to act like a 2 yr old throwing a temper-tantrum. Usually when a child does this it's to distract away from what they've done or what they want can't have and want.
ReplyDeleteThe BRC, Bully group and all those hate list groups they made show(ed) everyone exactly what and who these people truly are.
Deceitful, conniving, malicious, vengeful tiny people clinging to a lie they are perpetuating. If they admit to it now there is no saving face. So they to make all that noise to distract from what they've done to others pretending to be the victims. Fortunately, no one believes anymore and they just look foolish. They've fallen into a dark hole they cannot escape from.
Facts are facts. Proof is proof. It's posted here here on this blog, on FB in PaP's and may other people pages who these people wrongfully attacked and hurt at the bidding of their *cough* High Priestess.
So I too ask you Isadora Rave Avalona....
"1. Why is Black Raven Coven's url Rochelle Moores Facebook group page, when they claim they don't know Rochelle?
2. Why is Raven Avalon and BRC using two of Rochelles book covers as their logo and book cover? (The book that Lulu just dropped for plagiarism)
3. Why did the artist of the purple pentagram book cover (Fanny Price) state that she was told Rochelle gave Raven permission to use her book cover, when Raven and BTC principles claimed they did not know Rochelle?
4. Why are all the 'coven' self-publishings Rochelle Moores plagiarized content?
5. Why won't a lineaged Gardnerian provide her degree/teaching credentials?
6.Why is Raven adamantly refusing to prove who she is, when she demands that everyone else should?
Lastly, the most important question of all:
Why don't any of you give a damn about an obviously unethical 'HP' misleading new pagans and selling them stolen writings - if she is indeed not Rochelle Moore, as you claim?"
*Questions by Sehnga
Hope you ok with me re-posting them.
To plagiarize someone else's work and claim it as you own is highly unethical and wrong. But to repackage it and morph into another identity is just abhorrent.
As I see it a plagiarizer is plagiarizer herself pretending to be someone else selling this plagiarized material to unsuspecting newcomers. Shame on you!
Now please answer the questions put forth to you.
But that has nothing to do with the people you decided to drag into this.
ReplyDeleteIt has everything to do with it; the people who chose to put themselves in the middle of it by jumping on the Hate List/Goblin Hunter/Raven/Rochelle bandwagon chose to do so. No one made you participate, and Chops didn't randomly pick some names out of a hat. Grow up.
ReplyDeleteIf you don't like what you did, that's your problem. You can't undo it, but you can move on to more positive behaviors. If you don't like that Chops reported on it, that's still your problem; you should have thought of consequences before you all targeted 130+ pagans on Facebook.
No BRC takers for these questions, we see. Imagine that.
not with what has been going on. The hell it is.
ReplyDelete*Correction: the cover artist was Franny Lane, not Franny price.
ReplyDeleteThe cover artwork she did for Rochelle Moore's book, and the altered cover for Raven Avalon (after it was brought to her attention that Raven was using it without permission - Franny owns the rights), are side by side on her graphic commerial artwork page, here:
you have commets admitting whats the words stalking/watching and your gonna not say nothing? So you lied in front everyone when you said you wanted the truth? So whats you gonna do ?
ReplyDeleteoh gonna edit me and allow that nasty post . Now i gotta know why is that?
ReplyDeleteOh do everyone a favour, shut up and stop trying to make this about you, you, you. Can you read? Have you read one thing that Sengha has said? Ask your damn "coven" leader some questions, not totally pointless questions over and over and over again. Answer the questions Sengha asked about your own behaviour - oh no, too difficult for you to take responsibility for yourself? You and Lady Raven Scumbag are well suited. Both of you are self-centred, victim-playing fools who can't stop trying to distract from your own horrible actions. Learn to write, learn to frame a salient point and stop boring me, Chops and everyone else to tears. Answer the questions or get lost. No one cares.
ReplyDeleteYeah asshats. Answer the questions. I think those questions are pretty straight forward.
ReplyDeleteI really wanna know how you thought you could pull this one off...
"1. Why is Black Raven Coven's url Rochelle Moores Facebook group page, when they claim they don't know Rochelle?"
That shits amazing. A 12 yr old can google that and see it.
Quit whining and answer the questions.
guess you dont read. Raven is raven . Now im me and i was dragged into this. Now im here do not tell to shut up.keep my god name out your mouth and my group .
ReplyDeleteIt amazes me that seemingly intelligent people can be taken in so easily-blind devotion I think it's called.
ReplyDeleteFor those who refuse to believe the facts as shown here by Chops I urge you to think again; take a step back from the situation; take a deep breath and look at it with fresh eyes.
Cast aside anything anyone has ever told you and do the 'leg work' yourself; the results will be the same...
This is of course assuming, as you are such avid supporters, that you have the book. Take a line or two and pop them into a search engine.
See what you get - for free... zilch; nadda; zero; nothing... now tell me Chops is wrong?
Or contact Lulu yourself and ask why the book was removed.
It *is* that simple... !